Learn more about our company’s history


FEMONT s.r.o. is a modern, progressive company focusing on custom engineering and production of oversized parts with mechanical processing, milling of oversized parts and material cutting along with welding and final product assembly.

About us

20 years of experience

"Všetky naše aktivity vychádzajú zo základných etických princípov a zákonitostí."

Rudolf Kuvik - konateľ


FEMONT s.r.o. has gone through periods of major changes in the years since it was established in 2001. Originally a manufacturer concentrating solely on fabricating and assembling small-scale steel structures locally, it has since expanded its reach to markets both inside the EU and in other countries, too.

Current operations

Turning points for the company came in 2013 and 2017. In 2013, FEMONT invested in upgrading its machinery and started dedicating itself to machining. Four years later, it expanded production. These capital investments and new ideas successfully moved Femont into mechanical processing and steel construction manufacturing. mechanického obrábania a výroby oceľových konštrukcií.

Since 2021, FEMONT has been further investing, expanding and growing. We have built new space and augmented its mechanical equipment. As the company has grown, we have purchased machinery not ordinarily found in Slovakia. This allows FEMONT to machine oversized, complex-shaped parts.

Looking ahead

Our ambition is to be a leader in quality and customer access, steadily growing and an attractive investment on the market. We are seeking suitable investment opportunities, developing business and increasing our credibility on the market.

What sets us apart

FEMONT operates at a 10,000-square-metre plant in the industrial section of Voderady, near Bratislava. By making good use of enormous human potential from our engineering tradition, we have been succeeding in keeping to the main priorities FEMONT has set for itself. Working with companies in the region and personal contacts guarantee privileged, dedicated relationships and many technological opportunities.

FEMONT primarily focuses on custom fabrication, concentrating on heavy-duty welding, machining of oversized parts and manufacturing steel construction for the chemical, food and automotive industries. It includes designing, reconstructing, manufacturing and designing for heat exchangers, condensers, pressure vessels and tanks. FEMONT employs highly-qualified people with many years of experience they have gained from working in industry. zákazkovú výrobu so zameraním na ťažké zvarence a obrábanie nadrozmerných dielcov a výrobu oceľových konštrukcií pre chemický, potravinársky a automobilový priemysel. Medzi naše činností patrí aj konštrukcia, rekonštrukcia, výroba a návrh riešení pre výmenníky tepla, kondenzátory, tlakové nádoby a nádrže. Spoločnosť je tvorená vysoko kvalifikovanými pracovníkmi s dlhoročnými skúsenosťami získanými pri práci v obore. 

FEMONT has an STN EN ISO 9001:2016 certified quality management system, is certified and qualified to weld steel structures in compliance with the technical requirements of STN EN ISO 3834-2:2006, and follows STN EN 1090-2:2020, Grade EXC2 in any cutting, bending, punching, machining, thermal cutting and welding involved in manufacturing steel structuring.

Corporate vision and values

FEMONT’s mission is to operate effectively on the market and to offer business partners quality work that translates into satisfaction for all stakeholders. 

We are striving to minimise environmental impact and to reduce continuously the volume of waste and emissions beyond what the law requires. Our ambition is to be a leader in quality and customer access, to be consistently growing and for the company to be attractive in the market for investment., kontinuálne znižovať objem odpadov a emisií nad rámec požiadaviek zákona. Máme ambície byť lídrom v kvalite a prístupe k zákazníkom. Byť trvale rastúcou a investične atraktívnou spoločnosťou na trhu.

FEMONT’s vision still remains to keep its position as a reliable, credible and desired company capable of meeting the most demanding requirements for manufacturing quality. spoľahlivého, dôveryhodného a žiadaného partnera, schopného plniť najnáročnejšie kvalitatívne produkčné požiadavky. 

We are striving continuously to improve FEMONT’s services to satisfy its customers, who are always our first priority.